The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) has far-reaching effects in healthcare. Stakeholders affected range from patients, private physicians, and large hospital networks. The Act includes a planned expenditure of $34 billion for HIT, with $32 billion going to hospitals and physicians, as an incentive to adopt certified, interoperable Electronic Health Records (EHRs).
I have been getting a lot of requests to help calculate the potential incentives available for a practice. Many administrators and executives are asking if this pay for us to go paperless or pay for a full EMR implementation? Well, as easy as it may seem, you have to analyze your own numbers. As a lawyer told a colleague today about first home buyers. "You will get up to 8,000 dollars". The keyword there is "UP TO". So, for many practices the notion that each provider will get the max allowed amount will be depending on a lot of things. For many of the work I have been doing, I have developed a small cheat sheet or a calculator that can help shed some light on what dollars you may be getting based on Medicaid or Medicare provision. If you are interested feel free to email me the answer to the following questions and I will send you the results with some projections.
Email me or post a comment to this blog and I will respond.
A place to start:
For Medicare
____:Year when meaningful use
____:Number of MDs in your practice
____:#total allowable for Medicare Patients for 2008
For Medicaid
____:Year when meaningful use was
____:Number of MDs in your practice
____:%of patients with Medicaid
____:#Avg. Technology Costs
____:number of Midwives or PA or NP
____:Yearly maintenance and technology costs after implementation
Stop Nagging Patients—This Works Better
19 hours ago
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